Media Interviews

Media Interviews

Successful media interviews, whether you are talking about a new initiative or managing a crisis, are a vital skill to master. Here are some basic tips to keep in mind. First, be prepared. Know your key messages. Before your Canberra media interviews, know your key...
Issues Management Tips

Issues Management Tips

Issues management is an important part of managing a business. Here are some tips to get you started. First of all, always be prepared. Develop a plan for issues management. We never know when issues may arise. Therefore, make it a priority to make a crisis management...
Effective Lobbying

Effective Lobbying

Many Canberra lobby groups have mastered the fine art of effective lobbying. Here are some tips for you to get started: First of all, remember that good outcomes come from good preparation. Rely on your data, analysis, development of options, broad consultation among...